
Friday, August 14, 2009

Web Hosting Service

Author: Rajeev

A domain is the name which identifies the internet site. Every domain name has to be registered with service provider. Apart from the website addresses on the internet a domain also specifies the name of organisations and computers. The name of the computer is the converted into an IP address through the domain name service. It provides an identity of a user on the internet.

Domain names have to be registered on a server and through a web hosting service provider and the provider issues a space on its server to a particular server. Domain name is the identification of one or more IP addresses. http://universalmedia.biz/Hosting-Services/>Web hosting service provider provide an IP address to a particular domain name at the time of registration, this information has the details about the user’s physical location and the user details as well.

Each and every domain has a suffix which denotes the top level domain. There are only few top level domains like gov - which is used for government agencies, edu- which denotes the educational institutions, org- which denoted the organisations, mil – denotes the military services, com stands for the commercial business, net for network organizations.

Apart from the domain registration web hosting service providers are also doing the media web hosting. Media web hosting is the service through which the complex technologies are simplified for the website owner’s ease. http://universalmedia.biz/Hosting-Services/>Media web hosting includes the use of software like real one player which provides a better outlook to a website. These software solutions provide high end graphics and features to a particular website.

The use of high end technologies and software can make the websites more attractive and user friendly. Graphical presentations or the use of video can attract good traffic to a website. And high traffic will lead to the distribution of the information to a large group of audience. So if you want to make your website the source of high business opportunities then you should choose the best web hosting service providers who can understand your needs and can do better work than others.

About the Author:

For more details and information you can logon to http://universalmedia.biz

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Web Hosting Service

1 comment:

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